Project: Roads Improvements
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Project Description
Remove Trees that are causing harm to the roadways, repair or replace Miami Gutters and resurface all roadways in The Meadows complex.
We are preparing to resurface all Meadows roads. Recognizing that future costs of paving and maintaining roads will increase, this project will update our damaged roads and help protect them from further tree root damage. The upcoming micro surfacing will be the last time we can install this type of surface. In approximately 10-12 years, the streets will need to be milled and new asphalt installed on all. Today, the cost for asphalt is more than double the cost of micro surfacing, so starting in 2023 we will need to increase funding our road reserves to prepare for the inevitable.
This Project is being done in three phases:
1-Identification and removal of problem trees
2-Repair or replacement of Miami gutters, root barriers and asphalt patching
3-Road resurfacing and road markings with reflectors
The first step was to assess and address the damage by trees to our roadways, drainage, and street gutters (Miami gutters). Many of these trees were massive with large roots that uplifted Miami gutters affecting drainage and damaging roadways. About 28 years ago a root barrier installation program was initiated with great effect in helping to prevent damage. Unfortunately, in many areas the trees have become so large that the roots are now going below the root barrier, under the Miami gutter and roadway, causing damage. Approximately 65 trees have been removed, and the Miami Gutters have been repaired or replaced. Roads have been repaired with asphalt.
The next step will be to lay the micro surfacing. Weather permitting, the plan is to begin on Monday May 9th. The roadmap for resurfacing is in the documents section on this page.
Project Documents
Project Status: